Core & Advance Java




  1. Why Java & Java History ?
  2. Java features and programming format.
  3. Various class loaders & internal structure of JVM.
  4. Variable declaration & Byte Code generation using Java Compilers.

OOPS Concepts

  1. Introduction
  2. Object
  3. Constructors
  4. This Key Word
  5. Inheritance
  6. Super Key Word
  7. Polymorphism (Over Loading & Over Riding)
  8. Abstraction
  9. Interface
  10. Encapsulation
  11. Introduction to all predefined packages
  12. User Defined Packages
  13. Access Specifiers

Data Handling & functions

  1. Java String Handling concepts
  2. Function declaration
  3. Arrays- Creation of Single Dimensional
  4. String Pool & literals
  5. String Buffer & String Builder

Exception Handling & Multi-Threading

  1. Exceptions & Types
  2. Try-Catch-Finally
  3. Throw & Throws
  4. User-Defined Exceptions
  5. Thread creation & Thread Life cycle
  6. Life Cycle Methods & Synchronization concept.
  7. Wait(), notify(), notify all() methods.

Wrapper classes & Inner Classes

  1. Byte, Short, Integer, Long, Float, Double, Character
  2. Boolean classes -Wrapper
  3. Member Inner Class
  4. Static Inner Class
  5. Local Inner Class
  6. Anonymous Inner Class

Collection Framework

  1. Introduction
  2. Util Package interfaces, List, Set, Map
  3. List Interface 7 Its Classes
  4. Set Interface & Its Classes
  5. Map Interface & Is Classes


  1. Introduction to SQL: Connect, Insert, Update, Delete, Select
  2. Introduction to JDBC and Architecture of JDBC
  3. SQL Introduction CRUD operations(Create, Read ,Update & Delete)
  4. Transaction Management: Commit & Rollback
  5. Type of JDBC drivers
  6. Database Connectivity & Batch processing

Advance JAVA

Introduction to Enterprise Edition

  1. Distributed Multitier Applications
  2. J2EE Containers
  3. Web Services Support
  4. Packaging Applications
  5. J2EE APIs


  1. Introduction to Servlets
  2. Web Application Architecture
  3. Servlet types & Servlet Creation
  4. Servlet Life Cycle & Servlet Configuration
  5. Session Management in Servlets
  6. Servlet Filters & Servlet Pagination
  7. Servlet Browser Communication
  8. Web Component Communication
  9. Servlet Authentication & Web Security.


  1. Introduction to JSP
  2. JSP Architecture
  3. JSP Scripting Elements : Scriptlets, Declaration & Expression Tag
  4. Directive Elements : Page, Include & taglib directive
  5. JSP Action elements : jsp:forward, jsp:include, jsp:useBean, jsp:setProperty tags, JSP Exception
  6. JSTL tags : Core, SQL, Formatting & JSTL Functions
  7. JSP pagination

SPRING Introduction:

  1. Introduction to Spring:
  2. Spring Core (Basic Concepts)
  3. Spring Core (Advanced Concepts)
  4. Spring Core (3.0 Annotations)
  5. Spring AOP
  6. Spring Transaction
  7. Spring JDBC
  8. Spring MVC

Spring ORM

  1. Introduction To Hibernate
  2. Hibernate Annotations vs JPA Annotations
  3. Hibernate Mappings
  4. Hibernate Query Languages and
    Transactions and Caching
  5. Spring Hibernate Integrations
  6. Hibernate uses in Project

Spring Security

  1. Authentication & Authorization using Spring Security.
  2. Role based Security
  3. Password Hashing
  4. Limit Login Attempts
  5. Remember-me functionality
  6. Spring Security Using Database
  7. Spring Security using Hibernate
  8. Spring Security Access Controls
  9. Basic HTTP Authentication
  10. Token Base Security
  11. CSRF Filter & Delegation Proxy Filter
  12. Spring Security Using Security Talibs

Tushar Gupta (10 years)


Sonalika Chauhan (7 years)


Vinay Kumar (9 years)
